Endorsement by ACRA demonstrates that a product, policy or research has undergone rigorous review, and meets high standards. All reviews for endorsement are conducted under the guidance of the ACRA Executive Management Committee (EMC) external review panel.
ACRA keeps a register of items we have endorsed on our website and this is promoted to ACRA members and members of other relevant organisations. Endorsement also allows the inclusion of the ACRA logo within or alongside the document, and an email about the endorsed item to be sent to the ACRA membership database as appropriate.
ACRA will not endorse or accredit cardiac rehabilitation programs or services, and will not be identified with groups for perceived or actual commercial gain. This may include pharmaceutical companies where it appears ACRA is asked to endorse a specific product. ACRA will not share our membership database, however, we will send an e-Blast/email with links to the endorsed item or calls for volunteers if deemed acceptable by the ACRA EMC, following recommendation to do so by the external review panel.
The fee for processing an application for endorsement is $250.00. Fees for students undertaking research as part of graduate studies will be waived. This fee is not refundable in the event of an application for endorsement being rejected. The ACRA EMC has discretion over the fee and may choose to waive it for other students seeking endorsements for research projects.