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VACR Clinical Practice Day 2016
February 26, 2016 @ 8:30 am - 4:00 pm

Confirmed Speakers include:
Professor David Kaye, Cardiologist “Managing breathlessness in cardiac patients”
Dr Joris Mekel, Consultant Cardiologist “Cardiology challenges for people living in rural Victoria”
Rivka George, Occupational Therapist “Occupational tools and therapies to assist the cardiac patient to be independent and mobile”
Katrien Janssen, Cardiac Rehabilitation Physiotherapist “Exercising the elderly, frail cardiac patient”
Margaret Ryan, Chronic Disease Nurse Practitioner “Clinical assessment of the cardiac patient”
Dr Jeremy Stone, Psychiatrist “Psychiatric drug side effects that can mimic cardiac issues”
Kate Keighran, Clinical Nurse Consultant “Wound management in complex patients”
Verity Joyce, Dietician “Mindful eating for cardiac patients”
And more!
Registrations are NOW open, close COB February 19th 2016
Members $30 and Non-members $80
To book click on one of the links below or copy and paste into your internet browser
http://www.trybooking.com/KBHS and http://www.trybooking.com/176636
Alternatively go to http://www.trybooking.com/html/buyTickets.shtml and search ‘VACR’
For more information or alternatives to register contact: vacr@acra.net.au
Alternatively contact Kim Gray on mobile: 0417 258 643